The Relationship Between Teachers' Levels of Fit to the School Environment and Perceptions of School Culture and their Intention to Quit

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Intention to quit, school environment adaptation, school culture, school administrators


The purpose of this study is to determine the level of fit of public school teachers to the school environment, as well as the level of relationship between their perceptions of school culture and their intention to quit and to reveal teachers' perspectives on their intention to quit, fit the school environment, and school culture. The "exploratory sequential mixed research" method was used in this study. The research population comprises 396 Ankara-based teachers, and the study group comprises 15 teachers. According to the study's findings, teachers' intentions to quit are quite minimal. High levels of job satisfaction, work-family conflict, burnout, and professional growth issues were extremely uncommon. Colleague-fit is the greatest level of fit among teachers, and school-fit is the lowest level of fit. Teachers have a favourable attitude toward school cultures. The person-job fit sub-dimension includes burnout and work-family conflict; the administrator-fit sub-dimension includes the professional development problem of leaving the job and job satisfaction; and the colleague compatibility sub-dimension predicts the job satisfaction dimension of leaving the job significantly. Except for work-family conflict, the success culture sub-dimension of school culture substantially predicts all other sub-dimensions of leaving work. Except for the work-family conflict sub-dimension, the school culture sub-dimensions substantially predict the other sub-dimensions of intention to leave. The school administrator is seen to play an essential part in the teacher's fit to the school environment, perception of school culture, and intention to quit the job. According to the study's findings, it is recommended that the Ministry of National Education establishes national school management standards and that professional development-based training programs based on the professional knowledge and skills required for administrators to achieve these standards be developed and implemented, with their participation ensured.


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How to Cite

SEYLİM, E. (2023). The Relationship Between Teachers’ Levels of Fit to the School Environment and Perceptions of School Culture and their Intention to Quit. Journal of Mixed Methods Studies, (6), 88–125.