Receiving the Baton for the Journal of Mixed Methods Studies

JOMES, mixed method, editor-in-chiefAbstract
In this editorial—my first editorial for the Journal of Mixed Methods Studies (JOMES)—I reflect on my 5 years as editor of one journal (Educational Researcher; 2006-2010), 19 years as editor-in-chief of a second journal (Research in the Schools; 2003-2021), and 5 years as editor-in-chief of a third journal (International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches; 2018-present). In beginning my tenure with JOMES—a journal based in Turkey—I welcome the new editor team and look forward to us striving to take JOMES to new heights. Further, I discuss my four major goals as JOMES editor-in-chief, namely: (a) to increase the journal citation metrics, (b) to publish a series of special issues, (c) to author/co-author a series of innovative editorials, and (d) to encourage authors to focus on integration rather than mixing. I end my editorial on a sombre note, offering my thoughts and prayers to the people of Turkey and Syria who have been affected by a series of earthquakes that begun on 6th February 2023.
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Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Hitchcock, J. H. (2022). Towards a comprehensive meta-framework for full integration in mixed methods research. In J. H. Hitchcock & A. J. Onwuegbuzie (Eds.), Routledge handbook for advancing integration in mixed methods research (pp. 565-606). Routledge.
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